Cocktails with Furillen Gin from Herno Gin of Sweden

Today’s article focuses on a rather special gin from our friends at Hernö Distillery in Sweden. Namely, the gin made exclusively for the Fabriken Furillen Hotel on the Furillen Penisula of Gotland Island.

The gin is the only spirit served at Fabriken Furillen and is served, not from bottles, but from a 240 litre stainless steel tank. The spirit is made using wild juniper, fresh elderflower, and fresh rose; all foraged by the hotel’s founder, Johan Hellström. In addition to these botanicals, coriander seed and fresh lemon peel are also used. The gin is bottled at 41% ABV.

Furillen Gin
On its own
Nose: Bright, vegetal notes, with hints of bright cucumber, coriander, and a hint of sea salt.
Taste: Juniper to start and then floral and citrus coriander; bright, with just a hint of oiliness. These are followed by some very fresh, crisp, leafy, herbal notes. Exciting and invigorating.

Gin & Tonic
Wonderfully fragrant; leafy and herbal, with some cucumber notes accompanied by herbal juniper and savoury notes. The finish is long and full of citrus, making this very refreshing, complex, and unusual.

Crisp, with unexpected chocolate notes upfront, followed by some bright, leafy, herbal flavours and a touch of florality, before piney juniper notes take centre stage. This gin works well at low temperatures, making this Martini an excellent pre-dinner cocktail, rousing to the appetite.

Packed full of strong flavours, this is bold and herbaceous, with bright floral notes and a little spiced citrus; the gin certainly holds up well against the vermouth and the Campari. There’s also a lovely touch of dark chocolate on the finish.

In Conclusion
It is always a pleasure to try something exclusive or rate, and this gin is no exception, but it is how the Furillion Gin embodies the terroir of where many of the botanicals are sourced that is really exciting. It is that slight hint of salinity that sets this gin apart: how it captures the character of the sea and coastline. Unique and outstanding.

Cocktails with… Jack Daniels No.27 Gold

Both of us here at SummerFruitCup HQ are big fans of travel retail exclusives and our article covering a range of Jack Daniels products is one of the most popular on the site, so when I saw Jack Daniels Gold No. 27 at Duty Free at San Francisco Airport recently, my interest was piqued. When I saw that it wasn’t just a new bottle or different ABV, I decided to pick up a bottle.

Jack Daniels Gold No. 27 is a double barrelled, double mellowed whiskey, which is then finished in maple barrels and bottled at 40% ABV. Double mellowed refers to the fact that the spirit is mellowed through a column of charcoal both before and after aging (Gentleman Jack is also double mellowed).

Jack Daniels No27 Gold Whisky FINAL

On its own
Nose: Fresh, creamy creme brulee topped with caramelised light brown sugar, backed up by the richness of a brandy.
Taste: Very sippable, with a pleasant warmth to it. The texture is creamy – almost like melted ice-cream – with vibrant grain notes and flashes of fresh oak, before fleeting, slightly more bitter wood notes.
Finish: Relatively long and pleasant, with notes of oak and vanilla, and hints of maple and perfectly ripe banana.

With Soda
Defiantly dry on the palate, but also smooth, light, and refreshing. There’s a complexity at the end in the form of a maple sweetness, which makes this slightly sweeter than other Whiskey Sodas (maybe a good choice if you usually like your whisky with ginger). It’s also creamy in texture and would be excellent with a meal, especially during the warmer months.

Old Fashioned
Top notch: banoffee on the nose, with lively notes of roasted banana, creamy toffee, and some grain notes afterwards. These flavours follow onto the palate, which is smooth and creamy, with a good warmth to it. The finish is much dryer, with more, but more subtle notes of roasted banana.

Rob Roy
Straight forward, but full of flavour, with a pleasant, fruity tang from the vermouth. There’s a dry, lingering, slightly musty, sherry-like finish with woody overtones. Not at all sweet, but rich and punchy.

Whiskey Ginger
Another rich cocktail, but with a light texture. Easy to drink at any time of day, with notes of creamy fudge, maple syrup, a woody sappiness, ginger, and vibrant lemon that arrives on the palate with a burst of freshness, before a return to dryer banoffee notes.

In Conclusion
Gold No. 27 is a welcome, if slightly expensive, addition to the Jack Daniels family. Its smooth, banoffee notes are well balanced with vanilla oak and it works equally well on its own or in mixed drinks, where it adds flavour without overpowering or overcomplicating things. Our bottle disappeared very quickly, indeed, and I was particularly impressed with the Old Fashioned and Whiskey Ginger.
– Mrs. B.

Jack Daniels Gold No. 27 is a travel retail exclusive, available in certain duty free shops in airports across the world and priced around £65.